
                                                                                                            Talk to me, I'm listening.

about brian

"I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions"
-Augusten Buroughs

Brian's passion around psychotherapy started long before his professional experience in the social service field more than 15 years ago. For many years, he's balanced his time between volunteering at shelters, involvement with Big Brothers/Big Sisters, and more than 30 years in corporate America.

His therapy treats a wide-range of mental health issues with focus on energy, awareness, and spirit (for a complete list, please visit the What We Do > Mental Therapy page). Brian has a wide-range of experience with various demographic groups.  His therapeutic approach includes empowering clients to expand thinking, explore options, and make choices to facilitate movement. 

Brian earned his undergrad from Iowa State University. He earned his Master's in Education, with a focus on Mental Health Therapy from Drake University. He is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) with the State of Iowa.

Brian has also been active as an Individual and Family Therapist for 15 years. In his free time, he enjoys wood turning and creates anything from pens to vases.

about laurie

"Life is a delicate balance of holding on & letting go."
-Author Unknown

Laurie’s lifelong passion lies with energy awareness of the mind, body and spirit. As a teenager her mother, a registered nurse and certified hypnotherapist, introduced her to chakra clearing, meditation, hypnosis and later healing prayer. She is grateful to have had these skill sets to utilize in her 33 years spent in corporate business management and is now enjoying the opportunity to share her knowledge and healing gifts.

Laurie has been practicing Healing prayer since 2006. She became a certified hypnotherapist in 2007 and received certification in 2021 as a Certified Stress Management Consultant through the IACT International Association of Counselors and Therapists.

Laurie shares that, “One of my greatest joys is showing others how to tap into their own energy fields through prayer, to identify areas needing work and providing them with the techniques that have a positive effect on their mind, body and spirit.”